Permanently Dissolve Your Anxiety With A Scientifically Tested and Perfected Process You Can Do Anywhere

Learn Exactly How to Effectively Dissolve Paralyzing Anxiety in Minutes, Anywhere, Anytime So You Can Feel Calm, Relaxed and In Control


Are you sick and tired of feeling as if anxiety is in control of your life?

Are you looking for help after years of struggling?

Is grappling with anxiety making day to day interactions impossible to navigate?

Is the constant urge to fight, run or freeze, keeping you trapped in a vicious cycle?

If you are ready to finally have actual permanent, effective fast acting relief, that is available to you anywhere, anytime and you are ready to take back control of your life, this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read.

But first, out of respect for your time, let’s get something clear.

These techniques are scientifically studied, proven, they are easy and they WORK. In fact, they have worked spectacularly for every single private client I have given them to.

However, in order for them to work, you have to USE them. The more you use them, the more they work, and the more calm and in control you become. If you are committed to doing the techniques, I expect they will work spectacularly for you as well, and change your life in so many ways, giving you the calm and control to live your life fully and freely.

Just like my client Belle who said...

"I had anxiety surrounding my health and the thoughts wouldn't go away, preventing me from sleeping and productively doing my schoolwork.

Now I really don't think about it at all!

I feel a lot more free, because I'm living my life without any worries, and I can really focus on the good and enjoy things more.

My confidence is definitely better because now I trust myself to handle adversity, and know I'll make the right decision.

I know that I can handle anything.

I'm not nervous about getting sick, or anything related to my health.

I now know how to manage my stress around school and other activities.

I had a lot of anxiety and panic attacks about flying.

Now I can easily get on a plane and enjoy the flight.

I'm really excited because now I know that I can handle anything and now everything's really positive.

I would definitely recommend Melissa.

I'm pretty much free of all my anxiety."

B.D. Sophomore, University of Miami. 

Belle is one of thousands of clients I have freed from paralyzing anxiety and panic attacks, so they can drive again, get dream jobs, become more successful at work, get promotions, fly with ease, have successful relationships, feel confident socially, and finally, permanently put an end to sudden attacks of anxiety and panic that seem to come from nowhere, the vicious cycle of having anxiety about anxiety, the overwhelm, and despair.   You’ll hear from some of them later. 

With that said…let me jump right in and show you the exact techniques I teach my clients to take back control of their lives and snuff out anxiety within minutes!.



The Dissolve Anxiety Protocol

Rapid, Flexible and Discreet Tools to Dissolve Anxiety

Anywhere, Anytime within Minutes

Strategy 1: Anxiety Relief Breath Shifter (Value $47)

Strategy 2: Rapid Relief Tap Sequence (Value $47)

Strategy 3:  Anxiety Relief  Thumb Squeeze (Value $47)

Strategy 4: Anxiety Pattern Interrupter (Value $47)

Strategy 5: Bubble Gum Anxiety Removal  (Value $47)

Strategy  6:  Anxiety Clutter Dumpster (Value $47)

Strategy  7: Empowerment Triple Play (Value $47)

Bonus:  Happy Place Hypnosis for Instant Relaxation (Value $97)

Bonus: Insomnia Antidote (Value $67)

Bonus: Procrastination Dissolve (Value $97)

Total Value =  $850

Try today for Just $27!!!


OVERCOME ANXIETY in less than 10 minutes per day


“I feel worthless, stuck and trapped.” 

This is something I hear over and over from clients when I first meet them to dissolve anxiety.

If you have ever felt this way or thought something similar, you are not alone. 

Fortunately, for the past 23 years, I have been transforming the lives of thousands of entrepreneurs, students, athletes, parents, CEO’s and executives, showing them how to dissolve anxiety so they can live with confidence, calm, joy and growth, instead of misery, frustration and stagnation.


Over the years, I have heard so many ways anxiety has robbed and trapped people.


“I can’t drive anymore. Every time I get in a car I have a panic attack.”

“Every time I see an email, I feel white hot anger and stress.”

“I feel stuck, and my family is tired of hearing how upset I am every day.”

“I cannot sleep. I keep worrying about everything.”

“I have had pain in my wrists for three years and no one can figure out why.”

“I feel anxiety every time I get in a car.”

“I have anxiety and panic attacks whenever I travel.”

“I cannot stop vomiting every time I leave my house.”  

“I cannot take my finals. I am so stressed out, I cannot study or think.”  

“I feel so anxious about my relationship, and it’s causing arguments with my partner, and then I feel even worse.”

“I cannot control my emotions, especially anger.” 

“My daughter has separation anxiety.  I feel trapped and stressed.” 


Fortunately, every single one of these clients was freed from these issues.  It’s time for you to have that freedom too, and that’s what the Dissolve Anxiety Protocol is all about.


Here are some testimonials from recent clients:

"I went to Melissa to overcome Social Anxiety and become more confident as a musician.  As a result of working with Melissa, I now am much more relaxed in social settings.  My relationship and communication with my wife have improved, and I find I am able to perform with more confidence. I even had a recent interview where for the first time I found myself feeling completely confident and relaxed." - David A., Nurse/Musician 26 years old
"After working with Melissa to overcome sadness, depression, and anxiety, I now feel confident and excited about my future. My stress levels and anxiety are at an all-time low. This worked really well! I feel really good about myself and confident about my ability to take on difficult tasks.  It worked rapidly and I enjoyed the recording.  It's crazy how effective this is. You wake up one day and you are thinking completely differently.  I highly recommend this. Give it a shot!!!" - Kerry M.16-year old student
"The quality of my life has honestly just improved overall. I feel relaxed and confident, and I feel invigorated. I can't thank you enough, Melissa. I feel more awake, aware of my ability, more confident in myself to achieve whatever I want in my life.  Before working with you, I felt anxious, unsure, and nervous that I would not be able to rise to the occasion. Life felt more complex.  What you do is very effective, and I highly recommend others do it.  It is so eye-opening, once you do it.  I wish I had done it so much sooner." - AB,16-year old student

I would love to see you experience this kind of freedom, and DISSOLVE ANXIETY ONCE AND FOR ALL FROM YOUR LIFE.


Many people I work with have tried many ways to relieve anxiety. There is nothing  more frustrating than thinking you have an answer, only to find out it doesn’t work.  Especially when you have been dealing with the limitations of anxiety for so long and you need help NOW, not six months from now!

 When these methods failed, many of clients felt like they failed,  leading to more self doubt and anxiety. What they didn’t realize, was the failure was in the methods, because these methods address  symptoms, NOT THE ROOT CAUSE.

Fortunately, after working with me, they were finally able to rapidly and permanently dissolve their anxiety, by eliminating the root cause in their unconscious mind, and along with it all the powerlessness, overwhelm, self doubt and physical symptoms they were also experiencing.

If you have wondered if life without that feeling of a Mack Truck sitting on your chest is possible, my clients can tell you it IS.

You CAN be free of anxiety, you deserve to be free, and these techniques will help you.

About Me

I  have been freeing people from anxiety, stress and overwhelm for over 23 years.

As as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, with an extensive background in the performing arts, school psychology,  and my own combination of positive, uplifting, and scientific techniques, I  have helped thousands of people of all ages overcome anxiety, fear, and blocks and rapidly and permanently overcome issues and achieve success in life, business, sports, and the arts. Using a combination of hypnosis, cognitive behavioral therapy, Neuro linguistic Programming, thousands of my clients have been rapidly and permanently freed from: 

  • General Anxiety

  • Panic Attacks

  • Social Anxiety

  • Health Anxiety

  • Test Anxiety

  • Feeling Stuck

  • Overwhelm

  • Success Blocks

  • Procrastination

  • Fears and Phobias

  • Unwanted Habits

  • And more

I have worked with all kinds of people stuck in the Anxiety hamster wheel.

Elementary, High School and College Students to remove anxiety around tests and fears of not being good enough to succeed

Professionals and Executives Who Experience Anxiety around Speaking and Social Situations and Even Dealing with Emails

Athletes and performers who were paralyzed by anxiety and unable to show their talents. 

People in their 20’s entering the workforce, and dealing with anxiety around adulthood.

People experiencing anxiety in their relationships or anxiety about being in a relationship.

People trapped in relationships because of anxiety. 

Let’s free YOU as well, now, and put an end to the endless spiral of anxiety once and for all.

Once you understand how anxiety works, and what works to dissolve it, you will be amazed at how easy and empowering it is to finally put yourself back in control of your life. Once you see how this works, I’m sure you will see how quick and easy it is to implement, and how you will start to feel the difference almost IMMEDIATELY.


More Testimonials from my clients...


"Melissa is absolutely amazing! I suffered from paralyzing fear, anxiety, and self-loathing and was just unable to grasp the idea that I had any value as a person. Melissa changed all of this for me and now I am confident, positive thinking, strong, and healthy! I have lost 30lbs, my overall health has improved tremendously, and best of all, I truly believe I am worthy and wonderful! Melissa is absolutely amazing and talented at what she does for people! I highly recommend her to everyone! I would give her ten stars!" - Shae Quillen

"I was living a life that was from the outside amazing but inside I was dying. I was inauthentic to myself, constantly doing and being who I thought I needed to be for everyone else, and because of that everything in my life was falling apart. After her 3-month program, I have without even realizing it I started" - Desiree L. 


"I feel much more free, relaxed, and confident, and my kids, including my special needs child, have benefitted -making incredible progress academically and socially, just because I am more relaxed and confident as a mom. My boss has noticed how much more confident, relaxed, and effective I am. Very effective- definitely recommend working with Melissa!" - Lis M, 42 years’ old

" I had tension about taking exams.  I first had a session on knowing I am enough which allowed me to overcome insecurities. After the second session, I was authentically confident about taking exams and earned a 92% on my cybersecurity final exam!  I now release all tension on taking exams. Melissa is trustworthy. I love Melissa’s caring and nurturing spirit, and how she made me feel SAFE." - Wendi Brown

"After working with Melissa, my thoughts are healthy again.  It's very fast acting. I feel so much better. I feel like a better version of myself.  I feel I am enough. I used to have these negative thoughts. It's a relief, a big weight off my shoulders, and now I'm free to enjoy my friends and family and look forward to life, instead of being filled with fear." - Karley N.,13 years old

You May Be Wondering Why So Many People Never Seem to Be Able to Overcome Anxiety

This is because most or many of the  techniques commonly used to help people with anxiety, address the symptoms, without giving people power over the roots of the anxiety.  Either the methods don’t work at all, or people feel powerless without them, which leads to a feeling of lack of control, which leads to more anxiousness.


With this system, you are empowered to see how YOU can take back control, and control anxiety instead of ANXIETY CONTROLLING YOU.  


The more you feel that sense of control, the stronger it gets, and the more confident, calm and in control you feel, ALL THE TIME, knowing that YOU can change anxiety or remove it anytime you choose.




Imagine being able to:

Feel calm, confident and in control. 

Feeling unlimited instead of trapped.

Feeling like yourself!

Feel happy again.

Have clarity.

Look forward to a bright future.


You Can Do This WITHOUT:

Spending thousands of dollars

Hours of travel and time in an practitioner’s office

Waiting months or years for results

Having to drink, eat or swallow any pills or substances




All you need to do is CLICK the button below to try this program for $27.


This program gives you strategies that you can use anywhere, anytime. 


Each strategy works by itself, and can also be combined with others.  

You can listen to me lead you through  each strategy whenever you need to, however,  my goal is for you to feel  EMPOWERED and SELF RELIANT, as this compounds and increases  your confidence, calm, and control.  


This is why I have curated strategies simple enough for you to remember and use on your own, once you practice them.  


There are a variety of strategies that can be used at home in privacy, but others that can be subtly and discreetly used in any situations, including public or social situations, without anyone knowing but you. 


Strategy #1

The Anxiety Relief Breath Shifter 

When I teach my private clients this technique, within seconds their anxiety scale shifts from 10 down to 1 or 0, as the specific breathing shifts their physiology from the sympathetic nervous system (the anxiety one!) to the parasympathetic one (the calm, relaxed one).

Strategy #2

Rapid Relief Tap Sequence

This method combines ancient Chinese medicine with hypnosis with evidence-based Emotional Relief Tapping Techniques to instantly dissolve anxiety, fear, trauma, and stress.

Strategy #3

Anxiety Relief Thumb Squeeze

This strategy is based on a form of energy medicine, that is considered mainstream in Eastern medicine and it works. It is my personal favorite, and works for every single person I have taught it to.

Strategy #4

Anxiety Pattern Interrupt

This strategy is a powerful way to take back control and instantly put a STOP to  repetitive, 

Anxious thoughts from that old spiraling routine, so you can return yourself to calm and clarity.

Strategy #5

Bubble Gum Anxiety Removal 

This strategy uses the power of the subconscious to remove negative thoughts as soon as they

Come in and make sure they don’t return, while replacing them with empowering, calming, clear thoughts that benefit you instead of paralyzing you.

Strategy #6

Anxiety Clutter Dumpster

This is an amazingly effective strategy, and one you can do anywhere, anytime, and also a fantastic strategy to do before bed, when you have those racing, repetitive thoughts that can affect your ability to settle down to sleep.

Strategy #7

Empowerment Triple Play

This strategy first dissolves anxiety, then gives you a feeling of power and confidence and control, perfect for when you want or need to be unstoppable


Bonus 1:  Happy Place Hypnosis for Instant Relaxation (Value $97)

This recording provides powerfully effective stress relief and relaxation instantly, while re-energizing you physically, emotionally and mentally, and resetting and shifting you out of negativity and fear into energy and confidence.

You’ll Also Get Access To:

Bonus 2:  Insomnia Antidote (Value $67)

Sleep deprivation and insomnia is one of the biggest threats to both physical and mental health.  In this course, Confident Life Coach and Certified Hypnotherapist and Medical Hypnotherapy Practitioner, Melissa Boher Jacobson teaches how to use sleep routines, sleep hygiene and three powerfully effective sleep hypnosis recordings to eliminate sleep issues for life for you and for your children.

This recording provides powerfully effective stress relief and relaxation instantly, while re-energizing you physically, emotionally and mentally, and resetting and shifting you out of negativity and fear into energy and confidence.

And You Will Receive:

Bonus 3: Procrastination Dissolve (Value $97)

So many of my clients say that  procrastination is their most desired habit to overcome.

This mini-course is incredibly effective at Dissolving Procrastination as you can see in this review:

"Procrastination, time management, and belief are common blocks many face in various fields, including real estate, which is my career. Melissa Boher Jacobson helped me address these challenges by providing guidance, strategies, and support. Melissa offered techniques to help me stay focused and motivated, breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps and setting deadlines to conquer procrastination. Regarding time management, she shared tips on prioritizing tasks, creating schedules, and avoiding distractions. Additionally, Melissa worked with me to build my confidence, overcome self-doubt, and develop a positive mindset. It would benefit anyone to enlist Melissa for any challenges impacting their success no matter the field they are working in! As you relax and listen, you’ll notice you will begin to automate the strategies, and feel much more confident and in control of your productivity and focus, leaving yourself feeling accomplished and deserving of relaxation and self care." - Martha Viera Parsons


Here’s how to start today…

Just click the button to get started today.

You’ll see a checkout page pop up on your screen, where you can enter your payment information to confirm your purchase.


Once our secure checkout processor completes your payment,  you’ll receive an email with instant access to the Dissolve Anxiety Protocol and all the bonuses.

Oh and in case you are wondering…


I have created this program to be very inexpensive for two reasons.

  1. In my career I have experienced many people who need help and cannot access it. That’s not ok with me.

  2. Typically, once people work with me, they want to work with me again. There is absolutely no obligation on your part to do so, but this program is my way of introducing the incredible freedom and power of what I do to as many people as possible.

And I know there are some programs out there that offer you a great deal on something and then stick you in some program that charges your card every month.


I want people to get real value no matter what I provide, and WANT to work with me, because they understand that I care most about making people’s lives better. 

This offer is priced in such a way that it is more costly to me than to you, and  therefore  IS a LIMITED TIME OFFER, so it is important to take action and purchase it now.  Not to mention, you have had ENOUGH of being trapped in anxiety.  It’s time to take back control of your life NOW.

Life-Time Guarantee

Of course, there is a money-back guarantee.

I 100% guarantee that you will love this and or I’ll return you $$ and let you keep the training and bonuses.

That’s right. You don’t even have to send anything back. Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I’ll give you back your $$ with no questions asked.

This is truly a limited offer so claim your copy now before it’s too late.



Thanks for taking the time to read this - I look forward to hearing from you soon!

