Empowering you to live and perform with Confidence

Can Trauma Make You Safer?

Trauma is an important topic in personal development. Many people are experiencing more and more of it, or have experienced it earlier in their life, and it continues to affect them years later.

Today we are discussing trauma's role in your mind and body, and how it can actually make you feel safer.

My name is Melissa Boher Jacobson. I am the founder of Confident Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy, and the creator of the Dissolve Anxiety Protocol, a surprisingly effective program designed to help you take back control of your life instead of anxiety controlling you.

When we have a traumatic event, there's a little part, a little file that gets created in our brain that is designed to warn us if something looks like a previous trauma.

This is part of the magnificent design of our nervous system, the main function of which, is to keep us alive.

We often have a tremendous fight, flight, or freeze response to anything that reminds us of a previous trauma, and that can be extremely disruptive to our current life. This is caused not so much by the memory of the trauma itself, but rather by the emotion attached to that memory.

In hypnotherapy, we can use some effective techniques to take away the emotion of a trauma, and minimize or even eliminate past traumas from affecting our presnt or future.

The memory remains, but the emotion that gets triggered every time something reminds you of the trauma, can be released, freeing you to live your life and become more confident and strong, while also learning effective ways to be and feel safe.

I recently did a trauma release session with somebody who was mugged, and she was feeling stuck in that trauma.

We were able to release the emotion of that trauma, so that she is no longer paralyzed by the past event, and she can move on with her life.

The client immediately felt a lot better and more confident, and was able to think clearly about ways and techniques to protect herself in the future.

For example, she is enrolling in self defense classes, and being proactive by learning to be street-smart.

Releasing trauma doesn't mean you have released the memory, but it does mean that you've released the emotion that actually can make you less safe.

When we release the emotion, we become more confident, more secure and safer because we're going to be responding with our thinking brain to challenging experiences

Going through your everyday life and being constantly in a state of fight, flight, or freeze, is not going to make you safer, and it is going to rob you of living a full life.


By releasing the emotion of a past trauma, we can learn from the trauma, become stronger from it, and actually be safer, more confident and participate more fully in life.

If this is something that you've been struggling with, get on a free consult with me at